Friday, April 14, 2017

Good Friday

Wow, what a name for a day to remember the crucifixion of Jesus Christ of Nazareth!
It was a horrendous day for Jesus--that Friday more than two millennial ago.
However, His choice to allow all the things that occurred to Him, changed the course of history for good.

I think about Moses' words to his brothers in Genesis 50:20. When his brothers were scared Moses would do something to harm them for giving him away so many years prior, he said: What you meant for harm, God intended it all for good. The Jewish leaders meant the crucifixion as the ultimate harm to Jesus and His followers. To His movement! They wanted to preserve their way of life and their pride! But, what they meant for harm, God intended it all for good!

As we contemplate the crucifixion of Jesus, there are 4 main areas that I would like to focus on.
1. Jesus is the appropriation for our sin. His body was broken and His blood was shed for us! He is the Lamb of God. There would be no other sacrifices needed to make us clean before God.
2. Jesus was hurt! After being flogged with a lead-tipped whip, Jesus was required to carry His own cross about a mile (although Simon, the Cyrene would help), then His hands and feet were nailed to the cross. He would have to pull himself up to breath for hours. I predict He had to do this 4,000-5,000 times. His back must have been hurting terribly as He struggled against the cross to breathe. What's more, he refused the myrrh offered to Him, that would have helped ease the pain!
3. Jesus took our sin! He took all of it: past, present, & future. Again, this was once and for all! No longer, would periodic sacrifices be required by our Father in Heaven to provide forgiveness for people's sins. What's more, Jesus' sacrifice was for everyone, not just the Jews!!
4. Jesus was separated from His Father in Heaven. I believe this occurred when the day turned black for 3 hours. I believe it occurred simultaneously with Jesus bearing our sin. He who knew no sin, became sin! Jesus cried out, "Abba (or Daddy), why have you forsaken me?!" As far as we know, this is the only time in eternity the Father and Son have been (or will be) separated.

That is why it is called GOOD FRIDAY!

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