Thursday, July 13, 2017

JoJo 6.2; JoJo shares with his Mom and Remi

Monday, June 11, 1973
JoJo woke up at 10:00. This was 2 hours earlier than normal. There was something different about him. He had met the Risen Lord Jesus! He knew it. The first thing JoJo did that morning was pray. He read a devotional that Dan had given him the previous night, which was a night he would never forget. It was the night of his Salvation!

Alice and Remi were cooking breakfast. Well, mostly Alice, but Remi liked to help. JoJo could smell the Blueberry Pancakes from upstairs. As soon as he walked in the kitchen, his mom and sister let out a Whooooo.

"Why the Whooo, Girls?"
Remi responded, "This is the first time all summer you have been up before lunch!"
JoJo hesitated. "Uhhhh, today is different."
That caused curiosity with Alice. "How so, JoJo?"
Both girls laughed at the little rhyme.
"Last night at church, Tommy got saved!"
"Praise the Lord!!! That's fantastic, JoJo. Did you get saved last night at church, too, JoJo?"
"No mam."
Now Remi got curious. "Why YOU not get saved last night?"
JoJo said, "I didn't say I didn't get saved last night."
Alice was confused. "I am confused, JoJo!"
"Ladies, I got saved last night after Dad and I got home!!"
"Ohhhhhh, JoJo!!!!!!" Alice squeezed the life out of her son.
"Haha! It was great! I was so confused about God. about getting saved. Then, Dad told me about his life. He read from Romans about Jesus' blood cleaning us! I thought I had to get cleaned up, but I found out I could not do that! Only God can forgive me through Jesus! I am so happy!"
Alice began to cry and Remi didn't understand why.
"Big Bro, you made Mom cry. You are mean!"
Alice gathered herself--somewhat---"Remi, I am crying because I am happy."
"Oh, me never done that before..."

JoJo escaped his mother's tears and hugs (after about 15 minutes). He took a plate of pancakes with him, carefully not letting any syrup slide off the sides on the way upstairs back up to his room. JoJo had to call Tommy, but he didn't want to wake him up. 
Maybe he's up, too...JoJo thought. He just couldn't wait to tell his buddy the good news about his salvation.
"Hey Brother! Are you awake?!"
"Yea, JoJo. I've been awake since about 9:30. Wait...did you call me brother?!"
"Did you get saved last nite, too?"
"Saved to the bone, my Bro!"
"Praise God! What's going on, JoJo?"
"I'm not completely sure, but I know yesterday June 10, 1973---you and I were saved by God's grace!"
"Yah!! Jo, I got up early this morning and prayed and read the Bible y'all gave me last year!"
"Dude, I did, too!"
"What will the other kids think when they hear about all this?"
JoJo paused. He did have a reputation of a trouble-maker and rule-breaker. He was practically an all-star clown. "I'm not sure."
"Well, we'll let God deal with that!"
JoJo gave up a little fake laugh, but he was concerned about his cool rep.
"Why don't you come over tonight. I am going to witness to my Daddy!"
"Already?" JoJo said with a hesitancy in his throat.
"Of course, I don't want him going to Hell!"
JoJo thought about it. Immediately, he did not care about his own rep. This was an eternal thang!
"I'll be over! 6 bells?"

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