Monday, August 6, 2018

Freedom is NOT free!

I would point my finger at others about this topic, but I would have 3 fingers pointing back at myself! The older I get, the more I understand that we are spoiled in America!! We are given a free education, which is bought by taxpayers. We are free to drive down roads and highways, which are patrolled by Law Enforcement Agents. We are free to choose a college to attend, where many students are given grants and financial aid, and low-interest loans. Many of us have been blessed with parents who have lavished gifts on us --from money for which someone worked. However, in America, multitudes of children do not have a plush home life.

We are free to worship, but the government must keep laws in place to allow this to happen. We are free to choose to play sports, but coaches, officials, parents, and volunteers are needed. We are free to pursue a career, but many jobs require education, good references, and self-sacrifice. We are free to treat people politely, but we must be humble. We are free to treat people rudely, but that costs hurt feelings. We are free to use our money in different ways, but there is a trade-off for everything we buy. We are free to purchase a home, but we must be in good standing with our credit, plus have collateral. We are free to join a civic club, choir, neighborhood club, etc., but it costs time and often money.

In America, freedom is usually not the problem. People are. Some children grow up in rough neighborhoods. Businesses sometimes fail because of greedy people. We may lose a friend because of pride. Our CHOICES can be life-altering. Upon self-reflection, how many people am I intentionally helping? Do I choose to be thankful or a complainer? Do I build people up or cut them down?

Glory, America is a place of freedom because of men and women who have volunteered to be a part of our armed-services. Wait! Was there a draft? Not since the Vietnam War! So, freedom is often wrapped in a choice, or choices, or generations of choices! We are sooooooo fortunate to live in the 21st Century in America. Technology has given us flushing toilets. A.C., computers, cell phones, and other dohickies. But, nothing replaces love. As I observe our country, we have traded freedom for hate. If we are to be truly free, we must work, live, and pray together!

Finally, the greatest freedom people are offered cost the highest price in history!
Jesus paid the highest price for our sins! He took our place on the cross! His sacrifice and Resurrection, 3 days later, allowed us to choose Eternal Life. A free gift. Paid with a high price.
I am taking God up on this free offer of life! Jesus is welcome to live in my heart! He is welcome to use me as a conduit of his love, but I am one selfish dude. I like to try to be in control. I am in constant need of forgiveness. I need daily Bible-study and prayer time. I need to go to church. God, HELPPPPPPP!! Praise God that prayers are free! 

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